Big 10 and Mighty Fighting Irish, My Fucking Ass...
Yeah, Henne went out with a calf and vaginal injury. Way to face the ducks, ya cunt.
Oh, and for the ND fans, I didn't miss you punks, either. Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you bad talking about Emu Clausen getting owned for JoePa's yearly sacrifice...
Wait, I will.
If they did this with Brady Quinn and his shemale brother/sister, wait until the YouTards get a hold of ol' spike hair.
Next week. Michigan vs. Notre Dame. Somebody has to win... Right? Aw, fuck it. Cheerleader mud wrestling for the tie breaker. We know where those Michigan girls have been. And those ND Catholic girls, fugeddabout it. And you people wonder why I root for Texas... The only real winners are the ones without STDs, I'm afraid. That's right, the SB writing staff who won't be attending that game, much less watching it.
Don't you fuckers want me to go away already?
Yeah, I miss you too.
Posted 09/09/07 by Rich | Filed under: NCAA Football
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