An Open Letter To KG
Congratulations on your move to Boston. With one single move, you've done something that not even Pierce could do on his own in what seems like've got us talking about the Celtics without adding any type of laughtrack to the mix. For the first time in about 17, maybe even 18 years, the Celtics are relevant on a grand scale again. People can say the Celtics and NBA Finals contender in the same sentence and not have to worry about being laughed off the planet. Hell, people in Boston can admit to being Celtics fans and not have to be consoled or talked off of downing a bottle of pills or off the ledge of a bridge. All thanks to you and ironically enough, the man who drafted you out of high school and proceeded to do absolutely nothing other than go out, get Spree and Cassell for what was your best year in 2004. And for all of that,
you sat back and went out in 6 to the Lakers in the West Finals and haven't seen the playoffs since. If nothing else I say comes true, best believe that you'll be playing some playoff basketball in Boston next April.
Yet, what's funny is that everyone's all but forgetting that only a month and a half ago right about the draft, you wouldn't have come here if held at gunpoint. Guess having a Ray Allen on board kinda changes your mind about going to Beantown, huh? And ya know, as a Nets fan, I should be flat out fuming over this. You represent a major problem for the Nets that they didn't bother to address in free agency or the Draft (well, they did, but he's a 'pray he does nothing utterly stupid' player and as we all saw a year ago with Boone and Williams, Lawrence won't play rookies until late in the year when it's all but a moot point). Come to think of it, you pose a mega huge problem for a LOT of the "contenders" in the JV Conference because well...there's not a dearth of talent at the position you play. And that's got to be the biggest thing about this which has you licking your chops. You're now officially the best player at your position in a conference that for all intents and purposes, Boston figures to own if Doc can do a feasibly decent job of playing head coach for the next three seasons through the rest of your deal and before Ray Ray's knees drop off.
Hell, maybe Danny Ainge actually finds you a decent point guard and look out world...but maybe Boston reemerges as the preeminent force in the JV Conference again. Detroit might have everyone back, but their biggest problem is the head coach. They don't have one, they lost their drive and they're no longer imposing their will on teams like they did the previous four years combined. They couldn't stop Cleveland with four tries to win TWICE. I rest my case. Oh yeah, then there's Cleveland. I harkon back to what I said before about this team and that being, they're happy they have their crown. They're happy that LeBron got to hoist that silver ball and it shows because they've followed it up by...doing spit in the offseason to this point. Odds are, training camp will open and Bron Bron will have the same cast of dead weight to carry back to where he was a year ago...only now he has the looming shadow of a former heavyweight looking to regain its swagger. And Bron Bron, trust me when I tell you, Boston's Big Three have NEVER played in a Finals game. They'll leave you lying face down in Lake Erie before they see you swept out of it again while they sit and watch. Miami's teetering and even though I love Shaq to death, Danny Ainge may have just nailed the window shut on the Heat. Yes, Danny Ainge. In making the seven beans for future HOF guy deal, Boston's got more firepower than Miami. Even if Shaq and Wade are the best at their positions...Boston's still got the power which Miami doesn't everywhere else. I take Boston in a shootout, especially if Ray Ray and The Truth are firing those guns. Washington's a bit interesting, if not for what I expect out of Arenas this year after being oh so close to winning the scoring title a year ago.
Well Kevin, much like Clyde and Moses did late in their careers, a change in scenery may result in you hoisting your first championship EVER. And all told, I'm pulling for you to do it. I really hate when great players are more or less handicapped by what mentally deficient GMs and owners won't do, leading to these players like yourself playing your hearts out just to get a better odds with some bouncing ping pong balls. It's utter blasphemy that LeBron got to play (if that's what he called it) for a title a few months ago and you haven't even sniffed it yet. As a basketball fan, I hope you do it this year. Because as hard up as the NBA is for its star power and what not, having a Boston back in the NBA Finals would be just what Stern wants (and is probably praying for to no end all told, I don't think he can stomach another stinker like what we sat through in June) and desperately needs. So congrats on the move and here's hoping you get to hoist that trophy.
*On a sidenote, is it just me, or is there a very feasible probability that by this time next year the following things could happen...*
The Patriots win the Super Bowl...
The Sawks win the World Series...
The Celtics win the NBA Finals...
Sorry Bruins fans, better luck next decade.
Len Corleone
- CEO of Team Corleone
Posted 08/01/07 by Len | Filed under: An Open Letter To...
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