An Open Letter to Michael Vick
Youre an embarrassment to your family, you dog-abusing son of a bitch.
PS: Hey, remember when you used to be the sane one and I was the gun-toting scumbag? Those were good times, man. Good times.
EDIT: Someone asked me if this was really upsetting to me. Yes and no. It does upset me, because this guy is a multimillionaire who started his own dogfighting business AFTER making his millions of dollars. This isn't a poor guy who doesn't have any better idea of how to make a living aside from slinging drugs, this is a guy who was already worth a fortune by the time he bought this property and set up his dogfighting kennels. Not only is it obviously stupid and cruel, it's also really fucking greedy.
Posted 07/18/07 by Ron | Filed under: An Open Letter To...
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