Benoit news trickles in.
There were steroids found in the home, but the steroids appear to have not been for Benoits use. Instead, the steroids were apparently for use by his son, whom District Attorney Scott Ballard describes as having needle marks on his arms and as being very small, even dwarfed. Steroids and HGH are commonly used to treat dwarfism.
Benoit passed his most recent employer mandated drug test, given on April 10th, and never failed a test while with the company, unlike several other top talents.
Benoit was in the house for over a day with the bodies before taking his own life, which does not suggest a steroid fueled rage. Preliminary autopsy results suggest Nancy Benoit was killed Friday, and Daniel Benoit was killed Saturday or early Sunday morning.
While no history of domestic violence was noted, in their May 2003 divorce filing, Nancy alleged cruel treatment and the usual irreconcilable differences. The filing and a request for a restraining order were later withdrawn. There is no evidence to back up the claims in the divorce paperwork (people will say anything in a divorce proceeding to boost their chances at getting whatever it is they want, regardless of truth).
Toxicology results may not be known for several weeks, but Im interested to see the results. This is fascinating, in a train-wreck sense.
When football players go nuts, everyone blames post-concussion syndrome. Why has no one other than myself mentioned that pro wrestlers suffer more concussions more often than any football player, because pro wrestlers fall on their heads constantly, accidentally get kicked and punched in the skull, and generally take more abuse more often than your average offensive lineman? Wrestlers don't have an off-season and until they make it big, only get paid when they work.
Posted 06/27/07 by Ron | Filed under: Pro Wrestling
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