The defamation of Chris Benoit?
Then, of course, the second paragraph is about steroids. Immediately, some genius at the AP rushes to blame the tragedy on steroids.
Steroids are never linked to Pacman Jones, Chris Henry, Tank Johnson, or any other unnaturally large athlete who does something stupid and criminal. Steroids were never mentioned when OJ killed his wife. Or Rae Carruth shooting his pregnant girlfriend. Or the rash of NFL football players going psycho and killing themselves and others (nope, thats concussions, and professional wrestlers, who land on their head for a living, NEVER get concussions). Albert Belle trying to run trick-or-treaters down with his car and stalking his ex-girlfriend? Not steroids, either.
Why are steroids the first thing mentioned when a normal sized person who happens to be professional wrestler (511, 220 smaller than me, so I must be on steroids! Put down the juice, Rich, or youll kill and eat your whole family!) commits a horrible act? Steroids are not related to this issue at all, and its an unnecessary shot at a dead man to even postulate that theory, considering the WWE has random drug tests in place (before baseball, even).
Chris Benoit never failed a drug test in his career and toxicology results havent been released. Cant crazy just be crazy? Because steroids caused Andrea Yates to kill her family, right? If toxicology reports come back and reveal Benoit had more drugs in his than Barry Bonds, Ill eat my words.
Until then, its baseless speculation.
Posted 06/26/07 by Ron | Filed under: Pro Wrestling
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