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Peyton Manning Retires from the NFL, moves to Hollywood

Okay, just kidding there. Don't get too riled up or excited. Peyton did a good job last in hosting SNL, but I don't think we have to worry about the lug quitting football and pursuing an acting career. And, no, he probably didn't match the all-time great Joe Montana with his performance on SNL, but we can see why, besides name recognition, Peyton stars in over half of all commercials currently on American television.

Click on the "read on" and you'll find two of my other favorite sketches from last night's episode of SNL with host Peyton Manning.

p.s. Let's hope Rich doesn't pull a Peyton Manning in his next bet with Amy.
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Love the commercial--the other two...not bad, but definitely nowhere near as classic as Montana's "I'm going to go upstairs and masturbate" sketch. :D

Posted by Jade at 03/26/07 00:32:27

His United Way one was PRICELESS.

"Hey! Close that door!"

Oh and Peyton, I'm still gonna laugh at you when Pimp Brady kicks your ass next season. :)

Posted by Len at 03/26/07 20:54:53

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