Listen Up Texans...
Rule 3.01- If you take a quarterback in the 1st round and he flames out on you in under three years, your franchise is finished.
I've spent close to a decade watching the NFL [which is quickly becoming the National Felons League] and I swear, I could write a book on how many mismanaged franchises there are right now posing as professional football clubs.
The Texans go out and make David Carr their first pick
overall. The very first draft pick that they EVER had in a college draft, was used to draft this sidearm slinger from Fresno State. And while I won't be the first to say that it was a bust or wrong move at the time, methinks that somewhere along the line Bob McNair and Rick Smith missed the part of Football 101 which states, "your offense will not go ANYWHERE without an offensive line to keep your QB off his ass".
To this point, the Texans have not done that. They've wasted their last four picks in the 1st round on the defensive side of the football. But yet, I'm left to really scratch my head at the Millenian way of thinking these clowns are working under. They swap picks in the first round with the Falcons to get a backup QB [not a starter, a BACKUP] along with coughing up two other picks, this year and next year, for Matt Schaub.
[Crickets chirp...and then stop.]
Yeah, I know. Matt Schaub. Here's the guy who's about as highly touted a backup as you'll find, amazing for a guy who's started only two NFL games in his career and lost them BOTH. A guy who wasn't all that spectacular at the University of Virginia and yet, if you never saw this guy play a day in his life you'd swear Houston just swindled Atlanta into getting the second coming of Tom Brady.
Hey Texans, unless you've got an offensive line to keep him off his ass, he's going to do the EXACT SAME THING DAVID CARR DID YOU FRIGGIN IDIOTS!!!
I swear, I wonder what NFL GMs have to do in order to get their jobs, because if these guys have degrees, sign me up for whatever online course they got theirs from so I can have mine. Geebus H man, even Homer Simpson thinks investing money into a BACKUP QB WHO HASN'T STARTED 8 GAMES IN HIS CAREER is really stupid. And generally, teams move UP in the draft when they make a deal.
Houston (or as I'm about to start calling them Southwest Cleveland because I can't figure out the logic behind Houston's move here) basically doomed their franchise by botching the choice of a Franchise QB, then pass up the opportunity to get another one last year instead, settling for Mario Williams (who looked really great doing nothing) as said Franchise QB scorched Houston for a game-winning run that looked like something my created QB would've pulled off in NCAA 2007 (damn I can't wait for the 08 to come out).
This is merely proof positive that some franchises are just in the NFL not because there's a huge outcry for an organized sport in the city, but because simply put: someone's got to finish last.
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