Toothless Stupidity, Ignorance, Take Your Pick.
I told someone yesterday that it's rather ironic that someone who made their professional living making others tap out, ended his own life and in a rather odd way of looking at it, tapped out himself because life had him in a no escape situation. I'm not God, don't play one on TV, but I know enough to know that God doesn't look too highly upon people who take their own lives. It's basically a slap in His face and it's like saying to God Almighty, 'yeah, I know you sacrificed your only son for me to live on this planet, but I don't care because life's dealt me a crappy hand and I can't deal with it anymore'. I read last night while at work that there was some back and forth stuff over the care of his now deceased son and the recommendation that Benoit stay at home more to oversee it or something along those lines. Apparently, Chris didn't dig that idea too much and as a result, killed Nancy for suggesting it and then his son for being the reason said suggestion was made. Then, not willing to deal with the consequences of his heinous actions, took his own life so he could be remembered by the wrestling public as a tragic figure rather than the murdering piece of crap he really is.
Well, for all of one night, three hours no less...he got it. Most of the world got to sit through a three hour memorial that the likes of Brian Pillman and even Owen Hart didn't get. Only to find out 24 hours later, oops, we just honored a murderer. Damnit. Sorry y'all, looks like this might have been one case where spending three hours paying attention to a fake murder, would've been better than wasting three hours paying tribute to a real life one times two plus one suicide. I can't imagine what goes into someone's mind before they decide to take their own life and if there's one question I hope to never have answered, that would be it. Lord knows I've been through my own personal fair share of crapola and not ONCE, has the thought of ending it all early ever entered my head. For someone who spent the better part of his wrestling career as being this courageous figure, his premature ending was nothing short of cowardly.
Taking the lives of those who loved and revered him was nothing short of repugnant. As a wrestler, I always felt a great deal of resentment to Vince for not giving Benoit at least one more run as World Champion after his Wrestlemania XX win. What Chris didn't have in personality, he had in spades in regards to wrestling ability and you can't put a price tag on that...or maybe you can these days.
Benoit's the type of person that could drag a broomstick to a five star match and well, he's gone. And in a rather sad way of looking at it, much like most of the good rappers are gone before their time (Biggie and Pac come to mind here), the truly great wrestlers are being taken or taking themselves out way too soon. In any case, I mourn for Nancy and young Daniel whose lives were taken way too soon and in the case of Chris...hope you've got tons of sun block, you're gonna need it where you're heading.
Posted 06/28/07 by Len | Filed under: Pro Wrestling
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