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LSU Women's basketball coach Pokey Chatman apparently got a little too pokey with some of her players during her tenure at LSU. Rather than (immediately) making the obvious jokes about lesbians and the WNBA and all that business, I decided to break in a little seriousness before I start asking questions like, 'Do you think her strap-on is named Gumby?' or 'Did Prickle, Goo, and the Blockheads get in on that sweet clam-on-clam cootchie-slapping action?'

...shit. Too late.

Anyway, before I was sidetracked by easy jokes and easier women's basketball players, I was going to suggest that this sort of behavior, coach on athlete sex, is probably a hell of a lot more common than you might assume. Hell, even administrator-on-student and teacher-on-student sex is more common than you'd think. Even at small colleges, like the one I attended, there were always rumors. Hell, at the college I attended, nicknamed the Lesbian Welcome Center, several coaches, deans, and various and sundry other campus officials were impugned, maligned, rumored to have, or been caught dipping their various genitals in the campus STD-pool.

You'd think Baton Rouge would have lesbians enough that Coach Pokey wouldn't have to eat where she works, but then again, maybe she likes her women on the butch side. Coach Chatman is fairly cute and femme-looking, so I'm of the belief that she was the chick in her lesbian relationships. If that's what was actually happening (and it was).

Suffice it to say, the fact that this is the love that dare not speak its name is what's kept Pokey from any sort of serious media slandering. If this was a male coach doing his female players, he'd be out of women's basketball in a heartbeat as a permanent disgrace and ESPN would have never shut up about it. But since this is a woman preying on other women (and truthfully, if this was a woman coach sleeping with male players), she'll be back in a couple of years once she's done her trip through the wilderness.

She's too good of a coach to have fucked up like this in the first place, and she's too good of a coach to be out of a job for very long. If colleges can rehire people like Jerry Tarkanian, Bob Knight, Bob Huggins, Eddie Sutton, and other talented-but-troubled leaders of men, then I have no doubts that Pokey will be back on the bench somewhere more forgiving (I think the University of San Francisco might have an opening, and failing that, Pokey's got connections in the WNBA).

I bet she's got Sheryl Swoopes' number pulled out of the Rolodykes already.
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The low-key media response to the situation isn't necessarily because of the lesbian issue; more likely, it's because Chapman was smart enough to resign before everything became public. Had the news gotten out ahead of time, she would indeed have been lambasted by the press and been forced to resign.
The question is, was the alleged affair with a former student-athlete or a current student-athlete? If the player in question was not at LSU at the time of the affair, then Chatman has done nothing wrong, it's a personal matter between consenting adults. If, however, the player in question was on the LSU team or attending LSU at the time of the affair, it's not an appropriate situation because Chatman is an authority figure at the school.

Posted by Jade at 03/09/07 21:57:32

Nice point Jade. I will wait to see what happens. Pokey reminds me of Dawn Staley who is here at Temple. Let's just hope she isn't acting like Pokey...

Ahhh hell that isn't fair, I will wait until more facts come in.

Posted by field negro at 03/10/07 19:34:45

On top of the horrible timing of this thing, it's the fact that Pokey had gotten this LSU program to the Final Four the past two years. She's proven to be an exceptional head coach at the women's level and if the likes of Larry
Eu-drunky and Bob Drunkins [who's done an exceptional job at K-State this year all joking aside] can get rehired after being drunk out of their gourds...I can't see why Pokey won't find work elsewhere once this dies down.

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