The Shawne Merriman rule
Im sure this will raise Jaimes ire, but I wholeheartedly agree with this rule and I think its a damn shame that it cant be made retroactive to ban Shawne Merriman from the Pro Bowl this year. He didnt earn this position; he shot up with enough steroids to kill a horse and got his spot in the Pro Bowl through chemical means. See also Romanowski, Bill.
If a player gets caught cheating, then really, the entire years accomplishments up until the game after he returns from his suspension should be wiped out. That tainted supplement bullshit doesnt fly with me; even if the supplements are tainted, these are the same supplements the guys been using the entire season, so hes been roided up the entire season. Shawne Merriman should only get credit for the tackles, sacks, and whatever else he did after he came back from his juicing punishment, and none of the stuff that happened before then. Anyone who blames their suspension on someone else should be fined double the amount and suspended extra games for not being man enough to admit they got caught with a needle in their ass.
Cheaters shouldnt prosper (if they're dumb enough to get caught).
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